In the October issue see how local cheerleaders are reaching new heights, see the work of a talented tattoo artist and find the perfect wine for your palette.
In the October issue see how local cheerleaders are reaching new heights, see the work of a talented tattoo artist and find the perfect wine for your palette.
Anyone paying attention to news regarding bee populations around the world is probably feeling a combination of startled, scared or even fascinated.
The fit and fabulous intimately understand that nutritious and delicious go hand in hand.
Maple Grove Summer Faire featured Keri Noble this year. Adults and children alike enjoyed the music.
If you visit Mama G’s, on the corner of Hwy. 101 and County Road 30, chances are you’ll be greeted from behind the bar by the smiling face of Justine Olsen. She’s been a mainstay at Mama G’s for more than a decade.
A mid-80s TV ad asked “Where’s the beef?” and today you may sometimes ask the same. Or, rather, “Where’s the great beef?” Luckily the answer is nearby. One of the best butchers in the Cities is right here in town.
It’s Friday night. A brisk fall breeze is blowing through the crowd under bright field lights, and a group of spirited cheerleaders is leading the crowd in chants to motivate the football team to victory.
It wasn’t until college that Rex Isom Jr. realized he was born to be a performer. Once the Maple Grove resident made the discovery, he pushed his career forward to become a member of Stevie Ray’s Improv at Chanhassen Dinner Theatres.
A trip to the liquor store can be overwhelming. Red? White? Dry? Sweet? It’s great to have choices, but really, how does one navigate the myriad of bottles? Perhaps the interesting label design draws sufficient attention to warrant the victory trip to the register.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) affects millions of people worldwide, but thanks to Maple Grove resident Tim Herbert and his associates at Inspire Medical Systems, treatment concerns can be put to rest.
Todd Lambright has the look: Tattoos cover his arms and neck. His head is shaved bald. A long goatee falls from his chin. If you were to meet him on the street and he told you he’s a tattoo artist, you’d hardly be surprised.
Each year we are delighted to receive amazing images of Maple Grove during our photo contest, and here are our winners for 2015.
1st place A Little Girl’s Love for Weaver Lake by Mindy Gallagher
Once again, October is designated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which means a time for heightened awareness about the importance of finding a cure.
With some of the finest oils and vinegars in the area already in their arsenal, owner Terri Chaffer and her team decided to spice things up.
Name: Kari Lyn Wampler
Hometown: Maple Grove
Occupation: Licensed marriage and family therapist.